'Button' Rings

 My laptop is still in a coma but I really wanted to get a post out before my uni week began again. I went to Lincraft on the weekend and spotted these interesting buttons so I made them into rings. 

 You will need:
Buttons; I found this cool crescent moon button and this silver stamp button which had this hieroglyphic kind of symbol
Ring bases; a gold and a silver to match the buttons

 Use the pliers to remove the button loops. If the loops don't come off clean, you may need to use a nail file or rough sandpaper to smooth it down.

 Simply superglue the ring bases onto the buttons and your rings are good to go!

1 comment:

  1. I really wanted to get a post out before my uni week began again. I went to Lincraft on the weekend and spotted these interesting buttons so I made them into rings. Cheap League of Legends Coaching
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